join our fundraising program.
We offer easy online fundraising for schools, daycares and clubs. Earn 4% commission on all yearbook sales.
how it works.
1-2-3 easy steps to help rais funds for your school on products and services, parents, students and teachers are already buying.
Sign Up & Publish
Register your organization and set up a school profile. Once you register you will receive a unique url for your school to use for your yearbook.
Share & Sell
Either place your group yearbook order on behalf of your students or let the families in your organization know that you’re publishing with Calendria. Share your unique url and let them order and pay for their yearbooks.
Raise Funds
Earn 4% back on every purchase of your yearbook - we’ll send you a cheque within 3 months of you publishing your yearbook with Calendria.
Looking for an existing fundraiser or to purchase your school’s yearbook? Click the button below.